Friday, July 20, 2012

Pregnant and I Know It

Now that I've had some breakthrough with nausea and fatigue from the pregnancy, and I feel the urge to get back to blogging.  For those of you who don't know, I'm pregnant again and due in early January! I had an awesome pregnancy with Ada, and this one is pretty good with just a little more nausea and much more fatigue.  

Besides sleeping a lot and craving comfort food, the last few weeks have been filled with going to the pool with Ada, experiencing cabin fever in Summer due to the intense heat, attending my grandparent's Awake Wake (they are both still living), camping for the first time in 10 years, continuing to help breastfeeding moms in Marshalltown, and getting hooked on the show Mad Men with Chris.   

I've been getting more nostalgic and sentimental now that Ada isn't going to be an only child for much longer, so let's have an Ada update.....

My 19 month-old, sweet, affectionate, and joyful little girl is learning words like crazy!!! She is constantly asking me what the names of things are and attempting to repeat them after me.

She really likes to help me with chores around the house such as unloading the dishwasher, picking up things on the floor, throwing trash away, loading and unloading the laundry, etc.  She especially loves to help me cook and bake.

Ada is very girly, which has made me sooo thankful that I have a little girl!  She loves when I do her hair in pigtails (which we do at least twice a day), paint our toenails, pick flowers, etc. I feel like our bond has grown even stronger since being able to share some of these little things, and I look forward to when Chris can hopefully experience this with a son.

She loves little babies and is so affectionate to them.  Whenever we go to the grocery store she is constantly scanning around her looking for babies, and when she finds one she excitedly starts pointing and loudly screams "BABY! BABY! BABY!" She also somewhat understands that I have a baby inside me.  She points to my stomach and says "baby," and she likes looking at the pregnancy books with me where you can see how the baby and mom are changing. She's going to be a wonderful big sister. 

Lastly, Ada has really gotten attached to Charlie the last two months or so.  She's very affectionate with him, and they are great entertainment for each other.  The other day Charlie was gently rough-housing with her (tugging at her shirt, rolling around) and she was just squealing with joy and laughter.  It was one of those moments where Chris and I stopped what we were doing and just watched them, taking in the absurd silliness.  I can't wait for us to have those moments when it's siblings playing together, giving each other belly aches because of laughing so hard, and Chris and I will just stop and take in the memory.

1 comment:

  1. Yay that is sooo exciting!!! I was wondering where you'd disappeared to :) We are expecting baby # 2 as well, due early December.
