She drinks out of her sippy cup all by herself like a big girl! She has also recently loved snuggling with me in our recliner and reading books together. It is one of my favorite activities every day!
Ada has 3 teeth, with her fourth ready to pop any day. People still comment (literally, everyday) on her gorgeous blue eyes and sweet spirit.
I made her a Halloween costume...can you figure out what she is????
A candycorn! I had to choose something simple because I am a very amateur sewer (or seamstress?).
Ada started saying "mama," "dada," but not always at the right time. She also looks for Charlie, and when she finds him she says "DA! DA! DA!" (yes, it does sound different from "dada") She loves to chase Charlie and play with him. Charlie is very tolerant of her.

I'm an Aunt! My beautiful niece, Olive Adele Tittle, was born on October 11, 2011. She is a miracle baby, born premature at 34 weeks, but she has some great loving parents that are pouring their hearts and lives into her.
Lastly, God brought me a new job opportunity! I will be working as breastfeeding peer counselor for WIC! With this job I will support, encourage, and educate fellow moms about breastfeeding their babies! Yay! This job is a maximum of 6 hours per week, and Ada is allowed to be with me for most tasks, so being a homemaker is still most definitely my full time job.
Happy Halloween everyone!
Love the costume! She's getting sooo big!