Sometimes though, I have no idea what to do with her! I can't wait for days when we can play the Wii together as a family, spend Chris' money at the mall, paint our nails, do arts and crafts, play hide and seek, etc. But right now, she's a baby. Our options are very limited. And TV is not an option for entertainment for her at this age.
This book, "Brain Games for Babies, Toddlers, and Twos" by Jackie Silberg has come to the rescue! It is filled with very intentional brain-development games that coordinate with their milestones and abilities. It is organized like a reference book and contains games from 0 months to 3 years you can play with baby. It also gives a brief description of the science/research behind the purpose of the game. Currently I have the book checked out from the library, but I am DEFINITELY going to buy this book sometime this year. Amazon is selling it for $3.99 (older versions for cheaper). I wish I would have known about this book when Ada was just a newbie!

But I've found that when all my tricks and games are exhausted (or I'm just exhausted), sticking Ada in front of the mirror keeps her entertained for quite a while!
Kendall loves the mirror too! She tries out all her new faces and then laughs at herself.