This is the most helpful baby book I have found. It's called "Super Baby Food" by Ruth Yaron. The book cover says it all, "Super Baby Food: Absolutely everything you should know about feeding your baby and toddler, from starting solid foods to age three. Includes more than 300 quick, easy, delicious and nutritious recipes and thousands of money-saving and time-saving child care and kitchen tips. Highly recommended by new moms and dads!"
Like the author, my philosophy on the care and feeding of my baby is to do what's natural, healthy, and affordable, (consequently, natural and healthy means of caring for your baby are usually the cheapest). When I started feeding Ada solid foods, I had no clue what to do (and I ended up making some big mistakes)! I got different advice from different people, but I really needed a handy reference that would say "do this, not this, and this is how you do it." That's what Ruth Yaron does in this book. She covers things from what to feed your baby and how, how to make your own baby products, recipes, crash course in nutrition, arts and crafts, homemade non-poisonous cleaning products, food preparation and storage, detailed information on nearly every fruit and vegetable, I could go on and on. The author gives very practical advice and speaks from her own experiences from raising twins.
I keep this book next to my cookbooks in the kitchen and refer to it probably three times a week. If you are a new mom, a mom with children under 5, or are pregnant, I strongly recommend buying this book. If you are a friend of someone who is pregnant, this would make a wonderful baby shower gift. I would even buy it even if you don't have kids, or aren't planning on having kids for a while, because it is full of helpful homemaking and problem solving tips. I bought mine off of Amazon for $2.00! You can't beat that!
I have this book and while I don't specifically follow her whole plan I love referencing it when making my baby food!